Tips to Embrace the Mess + Halloween Treats


There are SO many fun Halloween treat ideas to make with the kids and call us crazy but we want to make them all! Mummies, spiders, and bats, oh my! We love the idea of making these fun treats as a family and love how they’re all cute & creative putting an emphasis on the fun side of Halloween vs the scary side.

With little time on our hands, we decided to make just a few - mummy Oreos & Monster Rice Krispie treats. We gathered the supplies which included lots of sprinkles, chocolate, and the only real essential to turn a regular treat into a Halloween treat - edible googly eyes. Really, mommas, that’s all you need. Just the googly eyes.

We had all the intentions of having the kids make perfect, Instagram-worthy Oreo mummies & Monster Rice Krispie treats that were going to “wow” even the most gifted of crafters but you know what happened?

Reality. Reality happened.

And guess what? It was way more fun! Sprinkles were everywhere, the kids were laughing, the adults were eating way too many chocolate covered things, and everyone was happy. We didn’t get the perfect treats and that was okay!


Rock-star momma, we want to help you embrace the not-so-perfect moments & mess, too. Get through your holiday treat making times with no stress & much joy with our helpful tips on how to do so below.

  1. Let the sprinkles fly!

    Let them fly sister. They’re going all over the place anyway so why not have fun with it? We have a lovely farmhouse table that had every crack filled with sprinkles. At first, this stressed me out but then I remembered the vacuum cleaner. Hallelujah for the vacuum cleaner! Let the kids finish all the fun & then suck up all those sprinkles.

  2. Clean up after.

    Release trying to keep things completely in order while the fun is still happening. Relax and know that everything can be cleaned up after the memories are made. Leaving the clean up for after also allows for the opportunity to teach the kids to help clean up, too.

  3. Forget Perfection.

    I know we all want our DIYs to look like the ones we pin on Pinterest but in the end, it doesn’t matter. Forget perfection and instead get creative, which leads us to our next point.

  4. Embrace Creativity.

    Let the kids get creative with their crafts. What started off as mummies turned into 6 eyed monsters, pumpkin patches, and globs of chocolate and sprinkles. Let your kids have fun with it and use their imagination and creative side.

  5. Have a glass of wine.

    The kids are occupied, it can all be cleaned up later, and you're making family memories - relax! Pour a glass of wine or steep a cup of tea and enjoy the moment.

Now that you’re ready to embrace the mess, why not try out these fun, Halloween treats?

Oreo Mummies

Monster Rice Krispie Treats

Spider Peanut Butter Cookies

Bat Reeses Peanut Butter Cups

Ghost Marshmallow & Brownie Bites

We want to hear from you! What are your tips for embracing the mess?

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